Wednesday, 8 April 2015

School... ~ How To: Survive In The Jungle

School... sucks.
However we do have the power to make it less suckish (icarly slang right there haha)!
In my third year in secondary school I feel somewhat qualified to share my experiences and give you advice! 
This is the first post in my new series 'How to survive in the jungle' .
These posts are for people just starting school, stuck in the middle or anyone that enjoys reading school-themed posts.

Let's get started!

In order to survive school you need, I repeat NEED to have a good attitude, otherwise you just won't enjoy your time there. You really don't want to be the kid that feels like this 24/7!

If you want to actually be happy in school you have to re-jig your spinners and turn those no sections into yes sections! It can be hard to do, but with out a doubt you can! Just smile more and think of the good moments you do/will have!

Next.. Teachers... (One of the main Bozos)

We all have problems with teachers, they can be unfair, annoying and plain rude but they shouldn't be the reason why you don't want to get out of bed in the morning! Teachers have feelings too and chances are that you just got off on the wrong foot. Try to build neutral healthy relationships with teachers. Show them that you care about your education and it will shine through that they do care about you, your progress and well being.

To me this is definitely an essential. It's the book that I am writing my story 'Upside Down' in. I bring it into school every day, just in-case I gain sudden inspiration and need to add something. This book makes me happy and calm. I always know that I have something that I enjoy doing at the tip of my fingers. If you have something like my book. Bring it into school (if you can trust yourself to keep it safe). It's something positive, always in your bag!

 So many of us feel like this. I do all of the time! We just have to hold on and try to enjoy what ever time we have left. School isn't forever but memories are and so is the rest of the life that we get to live :)

Here are some:

 Sorry, couldn't resist adding this picture haha

You also need to be organised and find comfortable routines in order to survive school... which I will go over in more detail in another post so be on the look out for that! (haha I know, I'm such a tease).



  1. I love this post. It just speaks to me, you know... When It came to the part about teachers I was just like 'yes!!!!'- I was thinking about 2 specific teachers... :)
    Anyway I was hoping that this could become a collab series. Let me know what you think
    CC My Baby xo

    1. haha thanks! Yeah sure! We could do a collab about clubs and commitment and I'll add it to my series xx

  2. This post was so relatable and actually gave some pretty good advice. I completely agree with your first point. It's impossible to enjoy anything yet alone school with a negative attitude. And if you go in with a negative attitude there is no point being there. xxx

    1. Haha Thanks so much! I'm really happy that it was helpful to you in some way! I'm glad that you agree that it's important have a positive attitude xox

  3. Great post! This is such a great representation of school and how to cope with it. I wish I had this when I was at school.
    Chloe x

  4. I haven't been in school for almost 10 years now (God, I feel old!) but I love your humour and take on it. Great post! x


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