Saturday, 18 April 2015

Healthy School Routines ~ How To: Survive In The Jungle

I personally find getting into a healthy school routine so difficult! Having a healthy school routine is far from just being about 'what you eat'. It also includes how you spend your time!

I've put together a realistic routine for myself and I am going to share it with you today!
Hopefully it will highlight what you may need to change about the way that act when you wake up and when you come back from work/school or whatever you usually do:).

P.s. Part of both of my routines are to drink milk because I hate milk and I don't drink it. (which I'm pretty sure is why my bones click sometimes) I am also about 5 ft 4 and I want to be 5 ft 7 by the time I am 16 haha.

This is my school morning routine! It's pretty basic and we all do the first two anyway!
 Usually I don't eat breakfast before school and I know that it's totally wrong and by doing that I'm just not helping myself. 
So I am putting a stop to an extremely bad habit and will always make sure that I eat something before I leave the house. 
The next thing on my list is to read! Reading is something calming that is so much more productive than scrolling through your phone for 10 mins before you leave the house! It is one of my main goals to keep that up as a good habit :). 

After School for me is a nightmare and usually consists of me eating a crap-load of junk food and watching YouTube videos and catch-up TV, which if you think about it is the norm for most but terrible on so many levels.
I didn't want to do anything drastic so instead I decided that I would work out for 20 mins or so to loosen up a bit (nothing crazy just stretches, jumping around to music and all that jazz) eat something healthy and do all of the work that I needed to, then take a small portion of time to possibly plan a blog post, read or watch something. It's so much healthier and generally a better routine, so let's see how long it lasts! 

If you were wondering how I made the cute little notes, I did it on Google Keep and I love the app, (you can get it on your PC too) and I literally organise my life on it haha! You can add pictures, reminders and tick things off so it is definitely worth checking out!

If you would like to see my last post from this school survival series click here!



  1. What a nice post! I totally agree on the unhealthy bad habits and I actually have a post on my blog similar to this .

    Also, in relation to this post I have my School Morning Routine you might wanna check out:

    Abbie xx

  2. Lovely post! Will definitely have to get the app I am so disorganised after school haha

    Beth |

  3. Great post! thanks for sharing lovely x

  4. I definitely want to check out this app, I love the cute little photos you posted! Great post too btw!


  5. I'm usually the worst for splurging out on junk food and watching TV when I get home, no matter how hard I try to be healthy! Although I like the idea of fitting in a workout routine, as its a way to take your mind of things. Also I would just like to let you know that I have nominated you for the creative blogger award! There are further details on my blog. :) x

    1. I know right it is difficult! and A quick workout after school would definitely help balance it all out and take your mind off' things, and thank you so much I will check it out right now! Xxx

  6. I literally have the same routine lol

    check out my newest post


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