I've been nominated for The Liebster Award by Elsa!
It was unexpected and really nice of you to nominate me. Thank you very much!
This award is basically for bloggers to discover new blogs and I think it's an awesome idea.
Here are the rules:
- Link the blogger that nominated you for the award!
- Answer all 11 questions set by the blogger!
- Nominate 11 other bloggers for the award!
- Create 11 questions for the nominees to answer!
I nominate Chloe and DaintyFlowersxo (sorry but I can't think of 11 blogs, If you know any good ones that I should nominate leave their links in the comments below and If I remember other blogs that I love I will be sure to add them to this post :) )!
Before we start let's talk Eastenders, the writers are just genius! I can't believe all those false clues they left the viewers and the fact that it ended up being Bobby. 10/10 on the OMG scale haha!
*For those of you that are very confused right now, Eastenders is a British TV Soap set in East London. It started in the 80s and is still airing and very popular. They created a massive 'whodunit' story line revolving around the murder of the longest-standing original character's 21 year old daughter and the murderer ended up being her little brother!*
Now that I've vented all of that out let's get on with the questions!
My 11 questions for my nominees are:
1. Dogs Or Cats? (Why?)
Cats because I desperately want one and I love them alot!
2. What Is Your Earliest Memory?
Disney World, LA when I was Four. (I have a very selective memory).
3. If you could be a celebrity for a day who would you be and why?
I would be Me.. as a celebrity because I would love to be a famous actress.
(I know that I didn't really answer the question but we may as well let that slide).
4. What Things In Life Make You Happy?
R5, Writing, anything creative or extraordinary, my family and best friends.
5. Do you have any siblings? If so do you like them?
I have four siblings (oldest of them all).
I don't always like them but I love them all!
6. If you were trapped in a room for an hour who would you be trapped with and why?
My best friend for obvious reasons or Ross Lynch because I would have an interesting/valid conversation with him which would make the hour fly by!
Or the whole of R5!
Or (Genius idea) R5 and my three best friends!!! (again for obvious reasons)
7. If You Could Have A Super Power What Would it be?
To read minds and to be invisible! (Boom, nailed it)!
8. What Is Your Favourite Memory?
I don't have one, I guess every one is my favourite (Yes even the bad ones) I just feel lucky to be able to remember things...
9. What Is Your Favourite Makeup Item?
Don't have one!
10. What Is Your Favourite Disney Movie?
Since Disney is quite evidently my life, I couldn't possibly choose a favourite film!
11. Mcdonalds Or KFC?
Neither since I'm Pescetarian haha!
- Do you like Disney Channel and Why?
- Favourite YouTubers?
- Favourite School Subjects?
- Best piece of advice ever received?
- Highlight of last summer?
- Why is blogging something important to you?
- Best book you have ever read?
- Top three actresses?
- Favourite historical story?
- Favourite Town/City or Country?
- Hopes for five years time?