Sunday, 4 January 2015

Fears and Phobias

Everyone is afraid of something (understatement of the century) whether it's small spaces or older kids. 
Or even tapping that celebrity that just walked past on the back and saying hi!

The problem is : How to overcome that fear, how to rise above it and be able to state 'I'm not longer afraid'. One thing that fear does is it holds you back and one of the ways to overcome it is to find the hidden reasons why you are scared of it and what you would have to do to lose that fear.

I'm no where near fearless and I have trillions of small fears and a few phobias but there is one significant fear that I have conquered over the past three years... The fear of getting involved and out there in my school community.
I was rejected so many times in primary school. I have a 'don't care' attitude that they almost destroyed and it did result in me giving up. I wanted a chance to shine and it didn't ever come. I did get a good role in my year 6 production and was/am grateful for the feedback from it but it was too late. I was sure that I was talentless and no one would appreciate what I had to offer.

When I got to secondary school I carried on being a wallflower.
I barely got involved and stayed on the sidelines.
I then did something that definitely changed the way I looked at things. I decided to enter a writing competition that was open to Year 7-9 and as a year 7 pupil I actually won! 
If I hadn't faced my fear of disappointment and rejection and if I didn't put myself out there I wouldn't have known that my writing was appreciated by people other than my parents and others actually enjoyed reading my stories.

After three months I transferred to a different school and instead of tucking myself away I started getting involved in extra curricular clubs and activities and doing things that I have learnt a lot from and will be useful in the future.
If I hadn't gathered the courage to do something so scary but so simple, I would not have a blog or have met the many friends I have made from other year groups and classes.

Facing your fears can take you so far and you will feel a lot better when that massive hand pulling you back disappears and you're no longer afraid.

And please remember,


ps. If there is a fear in particular that you are proud of defeating, I would love to see them in the comments below


  1. I'm so proud to hear that you have faced some of your fears and have now moved on. It's inspiring to see someone be brace enough to do so.

    ...I can't begin to imagine the amount of times I have felt rejected by people. It's my last year of school and I still haven't outgrown this fear of trust inside me. I'm scared of ever talking about anything to anyone. I feel like i'm all alone.

    I wish I was brave enough to take a stand and fight against whatever it is that's preventing me from doing the things that I want to do or take part in.

    Thankyou for opening my eyes and helping me to see through a different perspective of things. -xKittyDx

    1. Im so glad that I could help you see things differently and you're not alone, and you are brave enough! Sometimes you have to find that thing inside of you that pushes you to do what you need to.
      I'm sure that there are so many people around you that you can't talk to. Try talking to the closest person to you it might help and solve your problem :) xox

  2. This reminds me of myself when I was younger. I was extremely quiet up until high school. In middle school (secondary school?) I was a wallflower. I knew people that I had classes with all throughout middle school that couldn't remember my name lol But when I went to high school that all changed and I finally got involved in newsletter and eventually turned into a social butterfly :D I am still extremely shy TO THIS DAY but I've become a pro at masking it. My friends are really shocked when I tell them that I get social anxiety. They refuse to believe that I'm shy but boy am I trulyyy nervous when I'm around people I don't know!


    1. I'm so glad that you got involved with your newsletter and things like that! Some people are just shy and that's perfectly normal but it's also nice to break out of your shell and 'show em what you got'
      (Middle school is half of secondary, secondary is middle school and high school :) )

  3. beautiful post hun! I really loved everything you said. it's so true - you only live one life so live it up as much as you can and try as many things as you can because everything is just an experience! no matter if you succeed or fail, at least you are doing something with your life :)


    1. Thanks for reading! I'm really happy that you enjoyed my post. You are so right, it's important to try a lot of things and never give up xo

  4. Such an inspiring post! Well done for facing your fears and I'm glad you've overcome them. Really nice post, thanks for sharing!
    Abbie xx


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