Wednesday, 31 December 2014

New Years Eve

I think we can all agree that in the internet world and real life 2014 has been a very eventful and dramatic year.

I'm really excited for 2k15 <<(I wonder if people will say that next year or if it's just a 2014 thing). I think 2015 will be better than 2014, I just have a really good feeling about it -- but don't we all at this point in time.

Most people set classic resolutions or goals for the year but I decided to do something a bit different.

I wrote three notes to myself and put them in a '2k15 envelope'.

In the first note I reminded myself what a new year means. 
The second note was an 'I hope you are doing this' check list with a set of goals that I should be trying to attain and aim for.
The third note contains reasons why I should be happy and be more optimistic about everything.

After that I wrote notes to myself for each month of the new year: Such as notes to keep me motivated and working harder also things that make me smile and forget the bad times :).

Other ideas that actually work for people is creating a colourful 'bucket list' with inspiration for what they would like to achieve. Instead of tucking it away and not looking at it until the next year, stick it on your wall so it's there and 'in your face' all year long.

Another nice thing to do next year is to have a Jar/Box and each day (or whenever you feel like it) fill it with things that made you smile. So when you are upset you can just flick through all the things that have made you happy so far, or you could write names in the jar of people that made you smile and what they did to make you feel good about yourself, reminding you about the important people in your life.

These are a few ideas to help you focus on what is important next year.

Happy New Year!!

I hope all goes well for you


Linked to the New Year, check out my 'Things To Do When You're Bored' page xo


  1. Happy New Year! I really like this idea, I might just even try it out myself :)

  2. I read this post earlier today and forgot to comment. I love your idea with the notes in the envelope. I think it's great to remember the real reason as to why you're happy :) Please write lots because I love your posts and am super excited for your next one(no pressure there aha). *virtual hugs* byyye peace

  3. Happy 2015! I've got a few resolutions I need to get better at doing. Two of which are working out and eating better!! Let's see how long that lasts, haha :P


    1. Haha I'm sure that you'll keep them! Have faith girl!


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