Saturday, 27 June 2015


So many of us on the internet are fangirls. In fact almost every teenage girl that I know fangirls over someone. (Boys fangirl too haha)! 

There are so many different types so I thought that it would be fun to go through a few before sharing something that has been bugging me for a while...

Types of fangirls

 Normal Girl: 
This girl likes the celeb(s) but won't go too crazy and only gets 'The feels' occasionally.


This type of fangirl won't show any emotion ever but is secretly freaking out on the inside... Always!!

Average Fangirl:

asdffghkjkl, OH MY, MOM AND DAD, YEET, GUESS WHAT?! DEEZ NUTS HA, ALL OF DA FEELZZZ!!! << common phrases used by the 'Average Fangirl' . This typical fangirl hyperventilates daily (or tweets that they are) and gets the feels over practically anything that their fave does. 

From what I've seen those are the three main types of fangirls. Comment any more 'types of fangirls' below and the one that you relate to the most! 

One more thing...

Something that has been bothering me for a while is the fact that there are so many fights between fangirls all the time. It doesn't make any sense to me because the 'Directioner' that you're being really horrible to, probably understands exactly how you feel at that moment in time, whether you're a 'Swiftie' or a 'Lovatic'! 

Fangirls go through a lot of the same emotions and thoughts, it's crazy that within fandoms there are terrible fights too. The thing that annoys me the most is how stupid the topic of the fight will be e.g. 'My ship is better' or 'You don't know them like I do'. Some of these arguments can get way out of hand and are crazily unnecessary, before you pick a fight with someone ask yourself if it's really worth it. You should find that the answer is no...

Instead of tearing each other apart, fangirls should unite! There will always be horrible people on the internet but you *reading this right now* don't have to be one of them. If you have something really mean to type, take your fingers away from the keyboard before it's too late :)


Saturday, 20 June 2015

Hey, How ya doin?

I haven't posted on a Saturday for two weeks because of exams, parties and a huge lack of new ideas. 


I'm back now!! haha

I'm back with new ideas, interviews and fun things to write about, so make sure that you stick around because you don't want to miss any of that ;).

One of my favourite bloggers (+Vicky Wright) nominated me to do the 'What do I like about myself tag'  and I think that it's the perfect way to begin a new blogging era of Wait What Ok!

What do I like about myself? ...

1. My imagination can bail me out of any situation. 

2. I like the fact that I laugh, a lot!

3. I'm very confident and find it easy to talk to new people and make friends. 

4. I can act, it's something that I enjoy (and miss).

5. I hate judging people and always stick up for someone if I know that they are being treated unfairly. 

6. I like the fact that I'm in love with all things Disney.

7. I'm not afraid to stand up for what I believe in.

8. When it comes to fashion, I don't fit into a category. I dress as different characters, so I'm unpredictable and don't mind being seen in something crazy.

Those are a few things that I like about myself. Sometimes it can be difficult to think about eight things that you like about yourself... but it shouldn't be. 

Comment below things that you like about yourself, list as many as you can!

In the mean time I'm off to read the rest of this hilarious book and learn lessons from Disney Princesses ;). 


Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Curiosity Killed The Cat ~ 2 #JUSTALICE

Welcome to the Second Edition of Curiosity Killed The Cat! #CKTC is a blog series where I find and Interview Bloggers and YouTubers that will rock your socks off!

+Alice Rowe  is a very talented and popular blogger that is all about Fun, Fashion and Beauty. Her posts are always colourful and honest. Plus they are guaranteed to put you in a great mood! I jumped at the chance to be able to interview the stunning author behind #JustAlice and here is how we got on! :)

Message from me (Peace): Congrats Alice for getting into the final! I do Debating too! It's a lot of fun but a lot of hard work. It can be seriously nerve racking to get up onto a stage with a speech that you've prepared in 15mins. I'm sure that next time you'll smash your speech and define the motion in a crazy amazing way :) ! 

Message to her readers: "I would like to thank Peace so much for doing my first collab with me! It has been a pleasure and I had a lot of fun answering the questions. Keep an eye out for new posts soon!" 
Alice x

Alice's Links: 

I hope that you all enjoyed this edition of Curiosity Killed The Cat! Stay tuned for next month's interview! (It includes Marshmallow Land haha ;)

p.s. If you would like to be interviewed do not hesitate to email me ( or contact me on any of the other social networking platforms above!
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